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Sidney’s New Adventures: From Tough Times to Tail Chasing!

Sep 18

3 min read



Do you remember Sidney, the incredible cat who came to us in such a sad condition? He was underweight, had significant fur loss, and required treatment for his ears, with concerns about possible cancer.


His wonderful foster mum stepped in without hesitation, even though we didn’t fully know what his future held. She’s truly amazing!


Hello Fellow RSPCA -WHS Family!


It's been a couple of months since I left the shelter and I thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on in my new home with my mum. I'm writing this while sitting on her lap. I've just had a nice brush and once I've finished this email I'll have a nice snooze, but first let me tell you how I spend my days:


When I wake up in the mornings after my bed sleep, I'm full of beans so I might chase my tail to wake my mum up so that she can play with me. I have a toybox upstairs as well as downstairs, so I might chase my mouse ball or play with my fishing toy. At first, I didn't really know what to do with my toys, but my mum says I'm really good at play now! Next, we go downstairs and I have a few Dreamies while my mum washes up my bowls. I like it best when I have a new Felix pouch as my mum and I look in my food cupboard and mum helps me to choose what tasty flavour I want for breakfast. I enjoy looking in my cupboard as it's full of boxes of pouches, biscuits, soups, Dreamies and Lick-e-Lixes! After breakfast, I like to sit on the kitchen windowsill and watch the birds and squirrels. Sometimes I sit on the living room windowsill, but there are often lots of cats about including in MY garden, which makes me a bit anxious so, so far, I've chosen to be an indoor cat. My mum says it's up to me to choose...maybe I'll experiment with going out the back with my mum next summer...

After I've checked out the birds and squirrels, I'm a bit tired so I go back to bed for a snooze until lunchtime. In the evening, me and my mum have our downstairs play - I like thwacking pom-poms and playing with my kick toy - then I have my dinner and settle on my mum's lap for a brush and snooze until suppertime. After I've had my supper, I dash upstairs so I can choose my spot on the bed. My mum sometimes complains that she has to sleep diagonally because I'm stretched out in the middle of the bed, but I say first come first served!


I like my new mum, who LOVES me, but she can be naughty sometimes. For example, when she took me to my nice new vet (he gave me Dreamies!), she went and asked about my ears and now I have to put up with ear interference on sunny days as my mum insists on putting sunscreen on them. In some of the photos I still have the scab from my ear operation, but that's gone now and my mum says my ears look clean and pink and healthy! The other naughty thing my mum does is put me on the scales and last time she said I was getting chubby (rude!) so now I have to run about lots when I play, and she counts how many Dreamies I have (boo!). Personally, I think I have heavy fur as it's almost all grown back after my bad fur cut. 


I hope you like my photos. My mum says I'm the most handsome boy in the world - yes, I am!


Sidney XX

Sep 18

3 min read



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