Paddock Rental Terms and Conditions
Bookings & payment
Bookings can be made online via the RSPCA WHS Paddock Booking Link, by phone on 01925 632 944 or via email at paddockbooking@rspca-whs.org.uk
Payment is via the online booking system. We are unable to accept cash except by special prior arrangement as the paddock is available for rental during times our reception is unstaffed.
For block bookings, to achieve the block booking discount, payment is required in full at the time of the booking.
Arrival & Parking
Parking is available at 08:00 next to the paddock.
Use of parking facilities are at your own risk. RSPCA WHS accepts no responsibility for any loss/damages.
Please ensure you arrive on time as bookings cannot be extended if you arrive late.
Cancellation can be done via the booking link, or by calling us on 01925 632 944 or via email at paddockbooking@rspca-whs.org.uk. Please give as much notice as possible to allow us to offer your slot to another customer.
Bookings cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will not be refunded.
Maintenance and Safety
As part of our ongoing maintenance plan, the paddock is inspected weekly, but please notify our team on-site, or via the above contact methods, if you have any concerns about the facilities or need to bring any damage, maintenance needs or security concerns to our attention.
It is the renter’s responsibility to inspect the paddock and equipment before use to ensure it is suitable for their dog(s).
It is the renter’s responsibility to ensure that all dog poo is picked up and disposed of in the bin provided at the exit of the paddock.
When using agility equipment, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the equipment is suitable for their dog(s). This equipment must not be used by children.
For the safety of other dogs and their owners, and the animals we care for on-site, dogs are not permitted to be off-lead until they are securely inside the paddock.
It is understood and expected that dogs will exhibit normal behaviour in this space, including digging. We ask that owners be mindful of our facilities and, where possible, discourage your dog(s) from digging, or fill in any holes before leaving the paddock.
Permitted use
The paddock space may be rented in increments of 30 minutes. The space should be vacated at the end of your rental period and all toys or training aids removed
This space may not be used to conduct commercial activities such as chargeable dog training, or commercial dog walking activity.
The space should not be used for any activities which undermine, contradict or are otherwise inconsistent with the RSPCA’s Animal Welfare policies. This includes (but isn’t limited to) not using choke chains, prong collars or electronic devices, and the physical or verbal harsh handling of dogs.
Toys should be taken with you when you leave the paddock. Any toys left behind may be disposed of.
Animal Health & Welfare Conditions
Entry is only permitted to dogs under the renter’s care with fully vaccinated status and up-to-date worming treatments. You may be asked to provide proof of this before your visit.
No dogs with symptoms of sickness, diarrhoea, ringworm, confirmed or suspected kennel cough or other suspected transmissible conditions should be exercised in the area. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms prior to your visit, please contact us to rearrange the visit.
If an animal which has been exercised in this area becomes unwell with any of the above symptoms or other confirmed infectious diseases within 48h of their visit to the paddock, RSPCA WHS must be informed immediately.
Bitches in season should not be exercised in this space.
Dogs must not be left unattended in this space.
RSPCA WHS accepts no responsibility for accidents or injuries incurred whilst using the paddock.